25 January 2012

Year of the Dragon Air, Beware of Natural Disasters

By: Sidhi Wiguna Tea
This prediction is presented without any intention or pitted the accuracy of self-effacing. This calculation is a combination of elements of the reading pattern of trunk and branches of the heavens and the earth's annual star according to feng shui theory of science per se, there is no intent ahead of the Lord. Instead, I believe that God put signs everywhere for the benefit of his people for the sake of a better life.
Many who thought that the Water Dragon year begins on January 23, 2012 simultaneously with the arrival of the lunar new year. But according to feng shui calculations, Water Dragon year began on February 4, 2012 at 18:18. This is because the calculation of the lunar new year based on calendar months, while the calculation of the science of feng shui is based on the solar calendar.
Thus, babies born between January 23, 2012 until February 4, 2012 at 18:17 still has a zodiac Rabbit, although the lunar new year celebrations have passed. Meanwhile, babies born after the date of February 4, 2012 at 18:18, they have a zodiac dragon.
Year of the Dragon this time called the Year of the Dragon Air, because the stems sky berunsur positive water (Ren) and branches of earth berunsur positive ground (Chen). In terms of feng shui called the academic year at Ren Chen.
Trunk water sky earth ground positive with positive branch has a destructive relationship, because the ground water so that the stem of this year gives an overview of disharmony in the life on earth. However, this disharmony is relatively better than the Metal Rabbit years ago in 2011.
Some predictions that can be delivered, among others, the relatively more threatening danger does not come from conflict with a weapon, but rather a natural like earthquakes and floods. This is because the Chen (Dragon) also symbolizes the water shed.
Rainfall is expected in 2012 will still be high until the end of April or early May, and will be very big in November and December, through January and February 2013. While the earthquake need to be aware in July and October.
This year, the number of feng shui that runs is the number 6, which represents the positive metal, reflecting the prestige, charisma and assertive leader. Thus, hopefully the leaders wasted no positive effect from this year to run the task as quickly as possible.
Best western sector, southeast WorstThe best sectors for this year falls on the western sector of the arrival of star No. 8, which gives a positive effect for welfare. If you are a homeowner facing westward, use this opportunity as possible to improve financial inclusion.
Northeast sector gets star number 9 which give effect to the coming of a great many opportunities. However, you need carefulness in choosing the occasion, so that the most optimal results.
Southern sector gets the number 1 star which give effect to the wisdom and creativity. For those homeowners facing the south, make use of this great star presence to improve welfare.
North-facing houses will need to run a healthy lifestyle so that the energy carried by the illness star number 2 does not paralyze the activity. Eat a healthy diet and adequate rest in order to condition the body remains vibrant.
Southwesterly number 3 coming star who provide high levels of emotional effect. Therefore, homeowners are facing in this direction needs to heighten a sense of tolerance and patience increases, so do not engage in unnecessary bickering that can drain time and energy.
East getting the number 4 stars that symbolize romance and academic. For homeowners facing this direction and still single, this year is the arrival of a wonderful opportunity to find a mate. But for those who have been married, need to be alert to the arrival of a third person in life.
The southeast is the most dangerous direction this year, for the coming five stars representing the number of disaster. For those of you who have a house overlooking the southeast, are advised not to do the job of renovating or improving a garden with garden hoe in the southeast sector.
Northwestward coming star number 7, which represents more intense competition and legal issues. Beware the completeness and accuracy of your administration, in order to avoid legal affairs that drain energy.
(The writer is a Feng Shui expert and lecturer in Architectural Studies Program, Faculty of Engineering, University Tarumanagara. Currently active writing articles for the house.

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