14 June 2012

Lady Gaga Controversy

Lady Gaga has suffered from concussion after she was hit on the head by a pole dropped by one of her dancers.
Lady GagaLady Gaga was concust by one of her dancers. Copyright [Rex]
Kooky popstar Lady Gaga was on stage at the Auckland, New Zealand leg of her 'Born This Way' tour when the incident happened.
Lady Gaga was performing her hit song 'Judas' when you can clearly see one of her dancers whacking her on the head with a metal pole while he was running off stage with the prop.
The American star looked surprised and touched her head before running off through a door on the left - as it was the end of the song.
But she continued on with the show, telling fans: "I want to apologise. I did hit my head and I think I may have concussion but don't you worry, I will finish this show."
Her make-up artist Tara Savelo confirmed on Twitter that she did indeed have concussion.
She tweeted: "Gaga has a concussion but she is going to be okay.She wants u to know she loves u. I'm taking care of her.cant believe she finished the show"
Lady Gaga didn't make reference to the bang on the head on her own Twitter feed, but she posted a message about feeling sleepy.
She tweeted: "I literally passed out after I sent my jet lag tweet last night. Did you all send me cyber sleepy voodoo?!"
Meanwhile #PrayForGaga was instantly trending - with fans of Lady Gaga sending their well wishes to the star.

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