22 February 2013

7 Tips and tricks SEO for Blogger

Obviously every blogger / owner of the web to blog / website it is ranked first in the search engines or at least a better rank. Actually there are many ways to optimize these things and this time I will share 7 SEO tips for bloggers.

1. Content

Talking about the course content related to a matter of quality and quantity. About quantity may be ruled out, due to the fact the visitors not notice the large number of posts you have, but the quality of the posts that you make. When visitors feel that you write interesting content to read, of course they will not hesitate to come back into the blog. And that's when you try to update the contents of your blog posts with things that are interesting and certainly new for the search engines happy with the fresh stuff. As a result of your blog too slowly will experience a significant increase.

2. Words and Phrases

When someone wants to find an update on the search engines what they type? certainly a key word! use of words, synonyms, phrases that relate to the content of your post. But remember not to use excessive keywords because it can be considered spam.

3. Title Tag

It may sound a bit confusing, but the title of the blog post title and tags associated with the post pages are two different things.

Some bloggers make the title only in title tag, this is better than SEO strategy for not diluting the keyword in the title. However, other bloggers start or end a title tag with the name of their blog. This can be good for branding reasons to help readers recognize the name of the blog in the future. If you want the best of both worlds, make sure the title of the post comes up first, followed by the name of the blog (the first word in the title is recognized more often by search engines).

4: Internal link

Link to your other posts! It may sound a little strange, but the more internal links you have, "higher" (closer to home page) of the articles appear, and the more they get credit with the search engines. Imagine all the pages on the web - you want them all to come together and relate to one another, rather than interspersed with no connections.

5: Links to other content
You want Google to treat you as an authority site, so act like one. Authority sites not blind; think about how many links out sites like Wikipedia. Make sure you put the links related to the content of the previous article, not a jumping-jump. Readers who read this article will be interconnected are facilitated by these interrelations.

6: Get links

The most glamorous and most successful to start doing this is to write high quality content! Make one your article that people will want to come back and read again, or recommend it to friends and / or readers. Surely this can be done by writing a post as interesting as possible so that your readers interest.

7: Get readers!

Do not give up on nofollow link as given on Twitter, Facebook, or blog comments. If you have something interesting to add to the conversation, it will naturally bring readers back to your content. And the readers you have will recommend this article you have with other potential readers!

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